jueves, 17 de abril de 2008


Altercomics Studios se enorgullece en anunciar estar trabajando en el letreado de la nueva serie NEW GEN de A.P.N.G. Enterprises y YA publicado por Marvel Comics. Si quieren saber más de esta fantástica serie visiten: http://www.new-gen.info/ y www.marvel.com
La gente responsable de la realización está trabajando arduamente para transformar esta serie en una película o una serie de TV, y tienen mucha experiencia en el tema! Ya cuentan con MARK HAMILL (Luke Skywalker en Star Wars, y la voz del Joker en Batman: The Animated series.) para que se encargue de la voz de Gabriel el líder de los héroes.

Altercomics Studios is proud to announce to be working in the lettering of the series NEWGEN from A.P.N.G. Enterprises and now published by Marvel Comics! To know more about this fanstastic new series you can visit: http://www.new-gen.info/ and www.marvel.com

There is a huge development to make this comics series into a movie or a TV show. The people working behind this has a lot of experience in this kind of developments so don't be surprised if this series hits the screens very soon! They already have MARK HAMILL (Luke Skywalker on Star Wars, and the voice of The Joker on Batman, The Animated series) to perform the voice of Gabriel, the leader of the superheroes.

Some pages here:

OFFICIAL Press release:



New York, NY – April 10, 2008 – There has never been a greater need for new Super Heroes™ that resonate with the “New Generation” and New York based A.P.N.G. Enterprises is answering the call with NEW-GEN™ a cross-platform brand that will extend into comics, motion pictures, television series, video games, toys and merchandising.

NEW-GEN™ will first be launched as a six-issue comic book series, printed, advertised, and distributed by Marvel Comics. The six-issues are a prequel to the motion picture storyline as part of an epic Sci-Fi Super Hero™ saga.

The Limited Edition First Issue will be distributed in comic book stores nationwide in addition to appearing as a Digital Comic on the Marvel website http://www.marvel.com/ on April 9, 2008. According to the creators, Matonti Brothers (J.D. and Chris) and Julia Coppola, “NEW-GEN™ is a message of hope for a future world where individuals can make a difference.” The extended NEW-GEN™ team consists of industry veterans whose collective credits include Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pokemon, and Star Wars.

“Marvel is very happy that the NEW-GEN™ team has chosen to use our distribution, advertising and online network as the platform to introduce their promising original comic featuring a rich world populated with complex and compelling characters” said Mitch Dane, Director of Advertising for Marvel.

Draw Your Fate…The NEW-GEN™ Challenge
Comic book artists and fans will have the chance to draw their way into NEW-GEN™ history and vote online for their favorite Super Hero™ or Villain. DRAW YOUR FATE…THE NEW-GEN™ CHALLENGE is an online contest that kicks off on April 18, 2008 during the official launch of NEW-GEN™ at the New York Comic Con that will take place at the Jacob K. Javits Center. Fans are invited to stop by the Marvel booth to receive the Limited Edition First Issue and Mini-Poster. To learn more about the contest go to http://www.new-gen.info/.

The creators of NEW-GEN™ and celebrity judge Mark Hamill will select from ten finalists a New Generation of Artists. Winners will be announced at the San Diego Comic Con July 24-28, 2008. Mark Hamill, Sci-Fi Icon - Luke Skywalker, provides the voice of Gabriel, the leader of the Super Heroes™, in the Teaser Animatic available online at www.creativandco.com/new_gen/teaser/ .

“Watching NEW-GEN™ evolve from a fascinating idea into a fully-realized, beautifully rendered comic book universe has been a real thrill for me. Fans of science-fiction/fantasy owe it to themselves to give NEW-GEN™ some serious attention!” said Mark Hamill.

NEW-GEN™ Overview
NEW-GEN™ is an epic story about twin brothers seeking to find their identity in different worlds. It takes concepts from classic mythology and puts them into an entirely new context that is relevant to today’s political, social and ecological issues. The teenagers and older audiences of today will relate to the characters and their journey. NEW-GEN™ exists in another dimension; a utopian society where human beings, creatures, and robots co-exist in complete harmony until…

A battle over Nanotechnology rages between two superhuman scientists. Gabriel banishes his former friend, Deadalus, to an underworld, sends his infant twin sons to Earth and takes in the young children and creatures affected by Nanotechnology. The children and creatures grow up possessing unique “NanoPowers” in the Association for the Protection of New Generation (A.P.N.G.) and will oppose Deadalus as he evolves into the purely evil Sly attempting to transform worlds.

NEW-GEN is © and TM 2008 A.P.N.G. Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Super Hero(es) is a co-owned and registered trademark.

About A.P.N.G. Enterprises, Inc.
A.P.N.G. Enterprises, Inc. is a creator, developer, and producer of intellectual properties specifically designed for multi-platform franchises. For more information about NEW-GEN™ visit http://www.new-gen.info/.

About New York Comic Con
New York Comic Con is the East Coast’s biggest and most exciting popular culture event. An enormous show floor plays host to top entertainment industry leaders showcasing the latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies, television, and more. New York Comic Con gives attendees access to top entertainment industry talent, panels, and autograph sessions as well as sneak peaks at upcoming television shows and motion pictures. And with dedicated professional hours, New York Comic Con provides an ideal business setting for the major players in the worlds of comics, film, and television. Further information can be found at http:// http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/ .

For additional information and media inquiries please contact:

Lauren Laner at Hired Gun Publicity / LaurenLaner@gmail.comStacey Wechsler at Hired Gun Publicity / Stacey@hiredgunpublicity.com